Incep sa-mi caut un job nou, dar nu din cauza ca nu sunt nemultumit de cel pe care il am acum, ci din cauza ca mi-am stabilit niste scopuri in viata si nu am de gand sa ies la pensie din jobul pe care il am acum. Poate sunt oameni care fac asta, dar nu am venit in Canada pentru asta. Dar sa revin...
Cum spuneam, imi caut un job de contabil, pentru ca fac si niste cursuri si e bine sa ai o educatie superioara recunoscuta in Canada. Am fost contactat de doua ori pana acum. Ambele anunturi erau de la companii care pur si simplu umbla dupa banii oamenilor. Prima dintre ele se numea Prudential Web Inc.. Gasisem jobul asta pe Craigslist pentru ca acolo gasesti o multime si multe companii publica ofertele lor de munca acolo. Nu am primit un telefon de la ei, ci un e-mail (cand le trimiti CV-ul, bineinteles ca le trimiti si datele tale de contact) care era redactat foarte generalist si nici macar nu avea numele meu in formula de adresare, ci incepea, pur si simplu, cu "Dear Applicant". De parca pe mine ma cheama Applicant. De la inceput mi-a mirosit ca ceva putred, pentru ca nici o companie serioasa nu iti trimite un set de intrebari pentru un interviu de angajare prin e-mail. Orice intervievator vrea sa te vada, sa stie cu cine are de-a face, daca ii place de tine sau nu, pentru ca angajatorul o sa investeasca in tine bani si timp.
Am incercat sa gasesc compania respectiva pe Google, in speranta ca o sa dau peste un site. Nu am gasit nimic, dar apoi m-am gandit sa caut numele de la sfarsitul e-mail-ului. Iar nimic. Apoi am pus numarul de telefon gratuit care imi aparea in e-mail si am gasit un forum in care in 12 pagini nu am gasit nici un comentariu favorabil. Pur si simplu ei iti trimiteau un cec cu care tu trebuia sa cumperi niste echipamente: copiator, calculator, imprimanta, dar faza era ca trebuia sa le trimiti si lor niste bani prin Western Union la niste persoane fictive, la niste adrese care erau de fapt casute postale de prin Marea Britanie. Numarul de telefon de contact era un numar gratuit. Nici o persoana serioasa nu-si lasa un numar de contact, care este pentru relatii cu clientii si pe care poate sa-l procure oricine de pe internet. Puteti citi si voi toate postarile oamenilor la link-ul asta. Eu sunt pe pagina 12 (va dati seama dupa continutul e-mail-ului), dar puteti citi si celelalte pagini. Hai sa va arat si e-mail-ul.
"Humanresources Dept către mine
arată detaliile 25 aug. (Acum 5 zile)
Dear Applicant,
Thanks for your application to join our team, Prudential Web Inc. offer services ranging from Data Entry; Accounting; Online Survey; Corporate Sales and Promotions; Corporate Data & Records Management and Systems Analysis.
Our clients range from Insurance Companies, Investment Firms, and many fortune 100 Companies.
Your career prospect with us is wide & diverse. It commences with (1) Basic Data Entry & Editing Surveys. (2) Accounting (3) Backing up Records and Data. You must have a good Typing speed, with minimal errors.
Our goal & target is to save our clients staffing over head cost, This is why we recruit workers to join our team.
Staff remunerations, depends on performance. You are equipped with best work tools: both Hardware & Software. We guarantee you a minimal income of $1,000 per every 40hrs worked. Prudential Systems Incorporated operates a pay to verify system (P2V).Your Initial payment, including setup cost is paid directly by our client.
We would like you to kindly respond to the following Questions below. Please answer them to the best of your knowledge:
* Have you ever worked at a Company facility before?
* What do you Understand by Business Ethics & Customer Relations?
* Tell Us why you feel you are the right person for this Job?
* Are you taking this as a primary Job?
* If you want to make this your secondary job ( How many Hours does your primary Job Takes? )
* Do you have Professional Reference? ( Give us 2 Contacts )
* How Many Hours are you wiling to Devote to work with us?
* Do you know how to operate a Printer/Fax/Scanner/Photocopier perfectly?
* What do you Understand by Privacy & Code of Conduct?
* Explain Petty Cash Transactions?
* Describe yourself?
* What is your Clerical Speed?
* Do you have knowledge on how to use the Spread Sheet, Excel and General Microsoft Office tools?
* Are you willing to give your best shot at working with our staffs?
We have a very fast and responsive human resource team that would quickly review your answers. We will review details for each applicant that has been approved for this job and we will contact you immediately for further proceedings.
Shawn Makuch
Prudential Web Inc.
877 308 4955 ext. 4"
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